Farnham Repair Café

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Latest Repair Statistics

Events held
Visitors to FRC
Repairs completed
% Repair rate
Tonnes of Landfill diversion*
Tonnes of CO2e reduction
% Customer satisfaction
£ Saved by citizens

*This also assumes diversion from materials recycling.

What is a Repair Café

Repair Cafés are free ‘community-centred workshops’ for people to bring consumer products in need of repair, where they can work together with volunteer fixers to repair and maintain their broken or faulty products. In addition to repair, many Repair Cafés provide assistance with product modification, particularly to clothing to improve fit and appearance.” Charter & Keiller, 2016

The Type of Products we Repair

We see many different types of household products at the Repair Café such as clothing needing a replacement zipper, bicycles with sticky gears, chairs with broken legs, lamps with damaged cables, gardening tools that no longer trim, radios in need of a tune and old clocks that don’t keep time. What we’ve found is that many household products CAN be repaired successfully using the experience and collective know-how within our growing community of volunteer repairers. The great news is that by repairing we save money, resources, reduce our CO2 emissions and have a lot of fun and satisfaction along the way.

Repairing your products helps reduce CO2
and other greenhouse gases entering our atmosphere
We have repaired over 2,566 products
from the very old to very new. Over 67% of the products we see are repaired!
Saving over 66,300 kg of CO2e
helping to reduce the impacts of climate change
Preventing 7,100 kg of landfill waste
reducing resource use and damage to our environment
Saving over £207,580 for product owners
who would have needed to buy new replacement items
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Where is Farnham Repair Café

Farnham Repair Café normally operates on the second Saturday of every month at The Spire Church, right in the heart of Farnham, Surrey. We are open from 10am to 1pm where we have a dedicated team of volunteer helpers and repairers. There is no charge for entry or for our time to assess, provide advice and attempt the repair of faulty products.  Any donation towards the running of the our repair café is always gratefully received. 

Please note that the latest time you can book a faulty product in for repair is 12:30pm. 

Who We Are

Objects of Farnham Repair Café are: To protect and safeguard the environment for the public benefit through the promotion of repair and re-use of products as a means of preventing and minimising waste disposal.

Farnham Repair Café is collaborative project working with The Centre for Sustainable Design® at the University for the Creative Arts, Farnham Town Council and The Spire Church in Farnham UK.

We are part of the global Repair Café movement led by The Repair Café International Foundation, where repairs to  household products are carried out by a world-wide community of volunteers.

Farnham Repair Café is a UK Registered Charity – Number 1172613


Farnham Repair Cafe is a charity run by volunteers, any donations go towards the running costs and allow us to keep the monthly sessions going. Donations may be completed during any Repair Cafe session and if you are able to Gift Aid your donation then please ask for a form. Alternatively should you wish to make a donation online directly to our bank please click here for a link to our online Feedback/Gift Aid form which contains the bank information needed (using Gift Aid is optional). We are also grateful for any feedback on our activities, so it would be very useful if you could complete the short survey (two questions).
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