
Greater Surrey Repair Café Network



Repair cafés were founded in the Netherlands in 2009. There are now nearly 3000 repair cafes in the world and an estimated 250-300 in the UK. Since CV19, a growing number of new repair cafes have been launched. Farnham Repair Café was launched in 2015 and became the UK’s first repair café charity in 2017. Since launch a series of people from the UK and other countries involved in or considering the setting-up of repair cafes have visited FRC to see how it organises it activities and sessions. As a result, FRC recognised that there was an need to offer a neutral platform to share knowledge and experience amongst more experienced repair cafés with start-up and early stage repair cafes. Greater Surrey Repair Café Network (GSRCN) was borne from this recognition and was set up in January 2023, facilitating 10 sessions during 2023 

Local network

A series of repair cafes have been established in the Greater Surrey area. Those identified to date are highlighted below. If you have established a repair café and want to be included on the map, please advise.

Greater Surrey Repair Café Network                                           


To share knowledge, experience and information related to the organisation and delivery of repair cafes in the Greater Surrey area.


  • Informal monthly 1 – 1.5 hour zoom meetings to exchange information on activities, share best practice, knowledge and tackle particular challenges or issues.
  • Whatsapp group that allows the exchange of information and ideas between network members


Email providing basic information on your repair café.

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